wtorek, 5 lutego 2013

Japanese Treat

Dostałam parę dni temu niesamowitą paczkę z Japonii, pełną przepysznych łakoci i pięknych rzeczy. Rozpakowywanie było przyjemnością, poczułam się jak dziecko w pierwszy dzień świąt. W paczce były m.in. czekoladki o smaku zielonej herbaty, cynamonowe KitKaty w białej czekoladzie, chrupki o smaku truskawek z karmelem, piękne, ręcznie zdobione lustra z Indonezji i delikatne, pastelowe obrazy. Dziękuję Ci Cristy za Twoje prezenty, Twoją życzliwość i pamięć. Mam nadzieję, że niedługo Ci się odwdzięczę :)

Few days ago I got a package from Japan. It was full of yummy snacks and beautiful things. Unpacking was so pleasant, I felt like a little child on Christmas Day. In the package I found: green tea flavoured chocolates, cinnamon KitKats in white chocolate, caramel-strawberry snacks, stunning hand made Indonesian mirrors and beautiful pastel-coloured pictures. 
Thank you Cristy for your gifts, your kindness and warm thoughts. I hope I'll be able to pay you back :)

wtorek, 8 stycznia 2013

New Year's Resolutions

Another New Year - time for a fresh start. There are some big changes coming. I'm redesigning my 'Madame Vu' brand and starting a new one, but shush... unveiling is soon :).

It's time for setting new goals and thanks to beautiful Etsy shop's, I'm able to picture my words.

Good luck charm by pitsispopis

1. Let go of the past, focus on the present and future tense. 

- Maybe this is basic, but not that easy to follow :)  

Print by promopocket

2. Don't be afraid to be yourself and don't look too much at the others.

- Comparisons are one of my shortcomings Usually they do nothing more that freeze me, and I ask myself "Why work when others are much more ahead of me?" Absolutely not constructive and hopefully not true, everyone has their own pace :) That's why this year, I'll try to put blinkers on others work (ok, I allow myself a peek or two, just for inspiration), and focus on my guts.

Print by emilymcdowelldraws

3. Don't be afraid to express my opinions.

- The quote below just says it all :)

Print by PoppinsDesign

4. Pay more attention to my relationships - family and friends.

- There's never to much you can do in this matter. More understanding, more patience, more cherish.

Print by snolbertogoster

5. Start now!

-  There's probably a limit of excuses per person and mine's running out :) Don't think and analize too much - it stops from working. So ready? Steady? GO!

Print from promopocket

piątek, 4 stycznia 2013

Giveaway Results :)

Z radością ogłaszam wyniki konkursu! Wielowarstwowy wełniany szal powędruje do Toni Chanelle Paisley. Gratuluję :)

I'm happy to announce the giveaway results! The lucky winner is Toni Chanelle Paisley. Congratulations Toni!